

This procedure is conceived with the end view of the following;
Establishing an effective emergency medical evacuation procedure to safeguard the safety and health of employees;
         Establishing a chain of command and minimize confusion on who has the authority during an emergency medical evacuation.

This procedure shall have control on all the emergency medical evacuation of MIESCOR  direct or project hired employees assigned at various projects.

A.    Function
The Emergency Medical Evacuation procedure aim to prevent an illness/accident suffered by employees from getting worse by providing an efficient, safe and fast evacuation to the nearest Hospital.

B.     Duties and Responsibilities

1.    Project head

a)                  Receives information from first aider or nurse of an incident/accident.
b)                  Organize and direct action in case of medical evacuation.
c)                  Coordinate with Admin Services and SSMD that all phase of the procedure are properly being carried out during emergency.
d)                 Assemble evacuation crew from Inspector/Monitor, Searcher and Exit Guard Group.
e)                  Ensures that evacuation equipment such as wheelchair, stretcher and others are in good and operating condition.

2.    Administrative Services

a)                  Receive information from Project Head of an incident/accident
b)                  Coordinate with Project Head
c)                  Notify motorpool to provide driver and vehicle and relay to driver instruction given by Project Head.
d)                 Inform family member of the condition and whereabout of the casualty.
e)                  Monitor the condition of the casualty.
f)                   Render assistance on benefits such as SSS, ECC and other.

3.    Safety and Security

a)                  Received information from Project Head of an incident/accident.
b)                  Conduct investigation on the cause/s of the incident/accident.
c)                  Prepare and endorse to Admin Services the result of the investigation.
d)                 Formulate plans, procedure or program to prevent recurrence of similar  

 4.    Clinic

a)                  Received information that there is an incident/accident taking place.
b)                  Proceed to scene of the incident/accident.
c)                  Attend to emergency needs of the casualty.
d)                 Decide whether there is a need to bring the casualty to the hospital.
e)                  If yes, inform the DC Director and if no, bring the casualty to clinic.
f)                   Assist on the evacuation of the casualty.
g)                  Accompany the casualty to the hospital.

6.  Immediate Superior of Casualty

a)                  Prepare report of the incident/accident.
b)                  Endorse report to SSMD and Admin Services.