
Scaffolding Safety Toolbox Talk

Scaffolds are intended to provide safe working positions at elevations.  But if we will not observe the basic safety guidelines in the use of scaffolding its use may lead to injuries or even death.

·       Scaffolds shall only be built by persons knowledgeable with the requirements of safe scaffolding and should have the proper training and certification. 

·       Do not use a make shift scaffold.

·       Before starting work on a scaffold, visually inspect to ensure that the scaffold is tagged and approved for use, all locking pins, decking, handrail, midrails and toeboards are in place and secured.  If a movable scaffold is used, inspect to ensure that the wheels are locked.

·       Wear safety harnesses and be properly tied-off on all incomplete scaffolds (erected without complete railings, decking or toeboards) or outside of the handrails.

·       Do not climb on any scaffold handrail, midrail, or brace member.  Use the access ladder to get on and off the scaffold.

·       All scaffold must be level and plumb, and on a firm base.

·       Do not rig from scaffold handrails, midrails and braces.

·       Never alter scaffold members by welding or burning.

·       No scaffolding can be dismantled, alter, or modified by any person unless they are trained and certified scaffolders.

·       All scaffolding materials should not be used for any other purpose other than for scaffolding.

·       Ensure that materials and tools in the scaffold are secured from falling.  If this cannot be ensured, the area underneath the scaffold should be barricaded and appropriate warning signs installed.