Ø All supplies and materials should be stored as not
to create a tripping hazard or allowed falling off.
Ø A continuous walkway, not less than 3 feet wide, should be maintained in the work area or shop. This access that is indicated by the yellow mark should be free from tripping and slipping hazards.
Ø A walkway not less than free from all tripping hazards shall be provided to areas where work is being performed.
Ø Hoses, welding leads, bolts, slings, and materials should be picked-up immediately after they are no longer needed and return in their respective storage areas.
Ø Welding rods should be cleaned up after the welding of a joint is completed. Welding rods are well known slipping hazards.
Ø Paper cups and any other wrapping etc. should be disposed off in the trash drums provided at different areas in the yard.
Ø Oil and grease spills should be cleaned up immediately. If a machine has continuous oil leak a means of catching and emptying the oil should be provided or repairs performed immediately.
Ø Oil, grease and other flammables or combustibles should not be stored near any open flames, electrical panel boards or other sources of ignition.
Ø Discharge of oil into or upon the water is prohibited. Also the throwing of any waste into the water shall not be allowed.
Ø Tool should not be left on the floor of any work area. This includes wrenches, chainfalls, torches, shackles, welding leads, air hammer, chain slings etc.
Ø Defective tools shall be returned to the store immediately.
Ø It is the employee's responsibility to return the tools they used to the proper storage places.
POOR HOUSEKEEPING is one of the major elements which contribute to
increase "Hazards" on construction sites or projects.
Hazards arise from poor
Obstructing emergency escape route
Obstructing access and egress
Damaging of Materials
Simple & Effective Steps for Good
Housekeeping at construction site:
Identify and highlight storage areas
Daily cleaning
Identify the highlight access, egress and walkways
Don't store any materials in the walkways, especially in the
escape route
Proper material stocking
Provide toolbox and training to all employees for proper good