Overall Aims
• The hazards and risks associated with confined space entry
• Need for risk assessment
• Control measures required before entry into a confined space
Learning Outcomes
• Assess the risks of confined space entry
• Provide guidance to project personnel of the dangers in confined spaces
• Assess the requirements for emergency response
To familiarize personnel with the procedures and safe working practices associated with a Confined Space Entry.
How can you identify a Confined Space?
We can define a confined space as one that, by design, has limited openings for entry and exit, unfavorable natural ventilation that could contain or produce dangerous air contaminants, and is not intended for continuous employee occupancy
The hazards associated with confined spaces can cause serious injury and death to workers. Two major factors lead to fatal injuries in confined spaces:
Ø Failure to recognize and control the hazards associated with confined spaces and
Ø Inadequate or incorrect emergency response. The emergency response is usually a spontaneous reaction to an emergency situation and can lead to multiple fatalities.
Confined Space:
A confined space is large enough and configured so an employee can enter and perform assigned task which has limited space or restricted means for getting in and out and is not designed for continuous occupancy.
It may also deficient in oxygen and may contain hazardous materials such flammable and toxic atmosphere.
The employee who remains outside the confined space and:
Ø Monitors the entrants.
Ø Guards the space against unauthorized entry.
Ø Warns the entrants of unusual conditions.
Ø Summons the rescue personnel if needed.
The employee who will physically enter the confined space and perform the work.
Confined Example:

Hazards of Confined Spaces:
1-Oxygen Deficient Atmospheres < 19.5 % (When oxygen (O²) is present in concentrations less than 19.5% the atmosphere is said to be oxygen deficient)
ü 15-19% -- Physical work difficult
ü 12-14% -- Poor Coordination
ü 9-11% ---- Fainting & Nausea
ü 6-8% ----- Death in 8 minutes
If you feel any Symptoms Leave Area Immediately!
2-Oxygen Enriched Atmospheres > 23.5 %
ü Oxygen level above 23.5 %.
ü Causes flammable and combustible materials to burn violently when ignited.
ü Oxygen level above 23.5 %.
ü Causes flammable and combustible materials to burn violently when ignited.
ü Hair, clothing, materials, etc.
ü Oil soaked clothing and materials.
ü Never uses pure oxygen to ventilate.
ü Never store or place compressed oxygen tanks in a confined space.
3-Flammable Atmospheres
2 Critical Factors:
ü Oxygen content in the air.
ü Presence of a flammable gas
Typical Ignition Sources:
ü Sparking or electric tool.
ü Welding / cutting operations.
ü Smoking
4-Toxic Atmospheres
a-Hazards: Toxic Gas Mixtures
b-Hazard: Flammable Gas Mixtures
Less than 10% LEL
required for Entry
5-Engulfment Hazards
6-Physical hazards: Noise, Wet surfaces, and Falling Objects.
ü Lack of proper access can lead to falls
ü Poor visibility creates confusion and increases potential hazards
ü Presence of dust leads to health problems
ü Lack of proper access can lead to falls
ü Poor visibility creates confusion and increases potential hazards
ü Presence of dust leads to health problems
Toolbox Talk
In general, these are the things you should be aware of before you enter a confined space
ü How to enter it safely
ü Do we know how to exit quickly
ü Know that the atmosphere in the space is tested and found to be free of dangerous levels of toxic or flammable vapors and that there is sufficient oxygen
ü We will know that the atmosphere within the space is going to remain safe while you are working
ü Know the rescue plan in the event of an emergency and make sure the proper rescue equipment is available and in good condition
ü Know that another person outside the confined space is keeping an eye on you as you work and that they know the rescue plan, too
ü It is possible to work safely in a confined space, but it's a task that requires careful planning and preparation. Don't be tempted to take shortcuts when it comes to confined spaces
ü Follow all safety precautions and don't hesitate to speak up if you are unsure of the correct procedures
ü YOU play the most important role of all when it comes to working safely. By consistently following safe work procedures and not taking chances, you will be working safely for a long time to come.
Confined Space: Safe Entry Procedure
The entry of a confined space begins with a Confined Space Entry Permit.
The permit system requires that work supervisor & safety representative visit the work location and evaluate the conditions under which entry will be made.
Permit to Work

Entry into a confined space should only be allowed when a separate permit-to-enter has been issued. This permit should only be issued after Gas tests have taken place to ensure that the atmosphere is safe to breathe.
Isolate the space
Test the atmosphere
Purging, flushing or ventilating the space
Complete the permit
Job Planning, Hazard Analysis, and Review of MSDS.
Enter the space.
Confined Space Entry log sheet should be prepared
by Entry attendant assigned by Supervisor.
Gas Test
The Authorized Gas Tester will test the space for
hazardous concentrations of known harmful substances, such as Hydrogen Sulfide, Carbon Monoxide, and Flammable Mixtures. The concentration of oxygen is measured at the same time.
The atmosphere in a confined space may be hazardous due to:
1-Low oxygen levels
2-Flammable or explosive concentrations of gasses, vapors or dust Toxic levels of gasses and vapours
3-Therefore, the air in a confined space must be tested first for oxygen, then for flammable or combustible gasses and vapors, and then for toxic gasses and vapors.